Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Capitalism Essays - Economic Ideologies, Socialism,
Private enterprise Private enterprise A type of monetary request described by private responsibility for methods for creation and the opportunity of private proprietors to utilize, purchase and sell their property or benefits available at deliberately concurred costs and terms, with just negligible impedance with such exchanges by the state or other legitimate outsiders. Socialism 1.Any belief system dependent on the mutual responsibility for property and a tactless social structure, with monetary creation and dispersion to be coordinated and controlled by methods for a legitimate monetary arrangement that probably encapsulates the interests of the network all in all. Karl Marx is today the most celebrated early theoretician of socialism, however he didn't concoct the term or the essential social standards, which he for the most part obtained and adjusted from the less orderly hypotheses of prior French idealistic communists - uniting these onto a philosophical structure Marx got from the German rationalists Hegel and Feuerbach, while including various financial speculations got from his reevaluation of the works of such early political market analysts, for example, Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, and David Ricardo. In many forms of the socialist ideal world, everybody would be relied upon to co-work excitedly during the time spent creation, yet the individual resident's equivalent privileges of access to shopper merchandise would be totally unaffected by his/her own individual commitment to creation - subsequently Karl Marx's well known motto From each as per his capacity; to each as indicated by his need. The Marxian and other nineteenth century socialist utopias likewise were required to forgo such relics of the past as exchanging, cash, costs, compensation, benefits, premium, land-lease, counts of benefit furthermore, misfortune, contracts, banking, protection, claims, and so on. It was normal that such a radical reordering of the monetary circle of life would likewise pretty much quickly lead to the end of all other significant social issues, for example, class strife, political persecution, racial segregation, the imbalance of the genders, strict bias, and social backwardness - just as shut down such more mental types of enduring as distance, anomie, and sentiments of frailty. 2.The explicitly Marxist-Leninist variation of communism which accentuates that a really socialist society can be accomplished distinctly through the savage oust of private enterprise and the foundation of a fascism of the working class that is to set up the route for the future admired society of socialism under the tyrant direction of a progressive and trained Communist Party. 3.A overall progressive political development enlivened by the October Transformation (Red Oktober) in Russia in 1917 and supporting the foundation wherever of political, financial, and social organizations and approaches displayed on those of the Soviet Union (or, in some later forms, China or Albania) as a implies for in the long run accomplishing a socialist society. Communism A class of philosophies preferring a monetary framework wherein all or generally gainful assets are the property of the legislature, wherein the creation and appropriation of merchandise and ventures are controlled principally by the legislature instead of by private venture, and in which any staying private creation and appropriation (communists vary on the amount of this is middle of the road) is intensely managed by the administration instead of by showcase forms. Both vote based and non-popularity based communists demand that the administration they imagine as running the economy should on a basic level be one that genuinely mirrors the desire of the majority of the populace (or possibly their actual best interests), obviously they vary impressively in their thoughts regarding what sorts of political establishments and practices are required to guarantee this will be so. By and by, communist monetary standards might be joined with an incredibly wide scope of perspectives toward individual flexibility, common freedoms, mass political cooperation, administration and political rivalry, extending from Western European fair communism to the more tyrant communisms of numerous third world systems to the authoritarian abundances of Soviet-style communism or socialism.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Retail Industry AR and VR Technologies †
Question: Examine about the Retail Industry AR and VR Technologies. Answer: Diagram of Startup and Retail Industry: The startup association will be an online retail stage obliging dress and cosmetics items to the clients. It will focus on the experts who dont get time to go to the store on continuous premise but then need to attempt the apparel and cosmetics looks before submitting a request. This can be enlarged by utilizing the present innovations, for example, Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR). Australia is venturing into a steady retail industry with the flood of different global retail marks making a passage due to the countrys land nearness close to Asia, expanding request of the customers, and suitable financial conditions (Nikki Baird, 2017). Retail media arent dynamic right now but have iterative effect on the development. In a general sense it is changing the view how customers attract with retailer. Before it influences the innovation, retailers must know the effect of utilizing retail media arrange on their business (Roy Morgan Research, 2016). Existing innovation examination and patterns: The Australian retail industry is under-performing and is utilizing advanced cells or the business advances as it were. The AR and VR advancements have not been being used as client driven and are generally being utilized for promoting purposes just (Roy Morgan Research, 2016). AR and VR: VR interfaces with purchaser by making mimicked world utilizing advancements like handset or electronic hardware.For model, a defensive top with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors. In examination, AR covers virtual segments onto this current reality as saw through a phone or tablet (Nikki Baird, 2017). Not at all like VR, AR doesn't discourage the point of view of ones condition, rather, builds this current reality with pictures, content, video, delineations, etc. This element propels AR to wide-scale, particularly in retail. Also, while VR has completely flabbergasted news sources; AR has found a solid equalization in the retail business. Associations can give a degree of relationship between their things and clients by lowering them in an absolutely new condition with use of AR(Dan McKone, Robert Haslehurst, and Maria Steingoltz, 2016). Issue Statement and Benefits of AR and VR: The beginning up necessities to give a stroll in retail understanding to target clients with their online stage from the solace of clients home. VRand ARhave for the most part been utilized as advertising instruments offering people opportunity to change how they shop. One customer may endeavor on shirt without going to the store. The applications using development center around the customer comfort giving redid customer counter (Dan McKone, Robert Haslehurst, and Maria Steingoltz, 2016). The compelling joining of VR and AR into retail models will inconceivably change the manner in which retailers are thinking about stores without limits. Suggestion Conclusion The examples that will most impact the business' future;Autonomous Retail Service Robot (ARSR) innovation can advance and increase in-store office and preparing. Clients can view robots 3D scanner by demonstrating a thing, they genuine need (Euromonitor International, 2016). The retail condition is as novel today as it has ever been. Contention is expanding and moving to new fields, and clients are rapidly propelling their approach to manage purchase decisions. A chance to act is directly. Retailers that do will be the champs when the accompanying piece of retailing history is made (Dan McKone, Robert Haslehurst, and Maria Steingoltz, 2016). References Nikki Baird (2017). In Retail, AR is for customers and VR is for Business, Forbes [online]. Accessible from: and-vr-is-for-business/[Accessed 7 August 2017] Euromonitor International (2016). Computer generated Reality and Augmented Reality in Retail-Fad or Future. Accessible from: generated reality-and-increased reality-in-retail-craze or-future-/report [Accessed 7 August 2017] Dan McKone, Robert Haslehurst, and Maria Steingoltz (2016). Virtual and Augmented Reality will reshape Retail. Harvard Business Review. Accessible from: reality-will-reshape-retail [Accessed 7 August 2017] Roy Morgan Research 2016. Australian Retail Industry pioneers are sub-par on innovation appropriation. Article No. 7056. Accessible from: appropriation among-retail-industry-chiefs june-2016-201611181225 [Accessed 7 August 2017]
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Can I Get Him to Stop Watching TV
Can I Get Him to Stop Watching TV A reader, Michelle, wrote to us seeking our advice: Im working on creating a minimalist lifestyle for my family, but Ive hit a roadblock and I hope you can helpâ€"specifically from the male perspective. In our house we watch TVâ€"always have. I despise the TV because my husband spends so much time watching sports, because it’s often used as a babysitter for our kids when I am not home, because it costs us money (granted, the cable doesn’t cost that much), and because, most of all, it sucks up our time! What, if any, suggestions do you have to get this time sucker out of my house without causing a war with my husband? He is embracing minimalismâ€"at least in theoryâ€"because while we didn’t have tons of stuff, we got rid of lots of junk and he likes the feeling of more spaceâ€"but I mention his beloved TV and it’s a whole different ballgame. Our recommendations: Start with yourself. Before you can convince anyone to change, you must first change yourself. Reduce. How many TVs do you have? If it’s more than one, reduce them by half initially. Get down to one TV over time. Bedroom. Whatever you do, get the TV out of the bedroom. There are better means of entertainment in the bedroom. Schedule. Schedule your viewing. Don’t watch TV unless you scheduled your viewing at least 24 hours in advance. Ask your husband to attempt this with you for ten days (an experiment of sorts). Limit. Limit yourself to X hours per week. Track your viewing. Do this together for ten days. Friends. Invite friends over to watch TV with you during your scheduled viewing, then discuss what you watched afterward: this will strengthen your relationships. Replace. Replace TV with other activities. Just jettisoning TV is boring: what else can you do together instead of watching television? Once you do these things, your husband will likely follow. There’s nothing wrong with owning a TV: it’s when we spend too much time watching television that it has a negative effect on our lives. If you find value in The Minimalists, consider donating a dollar.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Statistical Analyses And Its Effect On The Quality Of The...
Statistical Analyses The following physiological measures were assessed for statistical significance: RMSSD, HF power, SBP, DBP and HR. A natural log transformation was applied to HRV measures prior to the analysis. Each measure was analyzed using a one-way repeated measures ANOVA across each experimental condition: baseline, stressor, recovery. The application of repeated measures ANOVA calls for the assumption that the dependent variables follow a normal distribution. In the context of this study, normal distribution cannot be demonstrated given the small sample size. However, the present study serves as a pilot study and thus normality will be overlooked in favor of obtaining a sense of the quality of the physiological data. As such, the presence of a normal distribution will be assumed for subsequent statistical analyses. Additionally, the assumption of Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity was assumed to be violated in each case, and the Greehouse-Geisser correction was used in th e resulting analyses. Post hoc tests with Bonferroni’s correction were conducted to assess statistical significance between each experimental condition with one another. An ÃŽ ± level of .05 was used, therefore probability values .05 were determined to be significant. Results Table 1 summarizes the means and standard deviations obtained from descriptive statistics. A repeated measures ANOVA with a Greenhouse-Geisser correction determined that RMSSD values differed significantly across experimentalShow MoreRelatedEssay On Cam1470 Words  | 6 Pagesoptimization of CAMs clinical critical-time components (e.g., set-up, time-in-task). 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Crucial To Understanding The Appeal Of A Multi-National
Crucial to understanding the appeal of a multi-national economic deal is understanding the theoretical outcomes of such deals. In many cases, the most appealing feature of these institutions is their long-term benefits. Free trade’s opponents focus their criticism on the deals’ short-term consequences, such as ephemeral job loss in the state with higher labor costs. A temporary decline in employment does not outweigh the long term benefit of an economic deal such as NAFTA, which had the potential to refocus billions of dollars on goods which American industry is more efficient at producing in a process known as creative destruction. Using international relations concepts, I will explain why the formation of the North Atlantic Free Trade†¦show more content†¦Bartra explains that not all citizens were willing to sacrifice their cultural identity for economic gain, writing â€Å"[proletariat subculture] has surfaced on the backward periphery, where the pains of a deferred industrial revolution are made more acute by the consequences of colonial and imperial oppression†(34). Published in 1992, Bartra’s essay refers to the time frame in which North American diplomats hurried to draft and rally support for NAFTA. Mexico’s economy was in the process of industrializing, with a large boost to come yet again after North American leaders ratified NAFTA. In the eyes of Bartra and many others, the inevitable increase of American cultural influence represented a form of oppression. The United States would bring its manufacturing industries to Mexico in search of cheap labor. In return, Mexico would gain jobs and an increased standard of living as American-owned factories paid more than many existing jobs for unskilled Mexican laborers. With the increase in American investment in Mexico, citizens of the two nations cooperated to optimize manufacturing outputs, increasing cohesion between the two groups. Trade-offs play a significa nt role in every economic agreement. It is impossible for each nation to produce a sufficient amount of each good necessary to maintain its population, making trade an integral part of societal function. In theory, specialization leads toShow MoreRelatedthe worst hard time1139 Words  | 5 Pageson the significance of these differences. Do the accounts share the same purpose and audience? How do the messages vary? Analyze how the different medium and genreâ€â€a historical book vs. a documentary filmâ€â€employ similar or differing strategies to appeal to the audience and carry out their message. 4. As noted at the end of the book, in the section on â€Å"Notes and Sources,†Egan conducted the research for the book using multiple methods and by compiling various types of data. Besides consulting publicRead MoreAnalysis Of The Competing Forms For Bsnl1369 Words  | 6 Pagesvindicated as the employee costs of BSNL’s cousin MTNL is staggering in comparison to others. The private players maintain a comparatively healthier structure than their Govt owned counterparts. A look at the Financial Ratios gives an even better understanding of how the costs play a major role in the financial composition of the Telecom Players: RATIO ANALYSIS M T N L Tata Comm Bharti Airtel Idea Cellular Rel. Comm. Debt-Equity Ratio 11.52 .11 .20 1.09 1.02 Long Term Debt-Equity Ratio 6.67 0.05 0Read MoreHas Immigration Impacted Relations? Europe Since The Second World War?1720 Words  | 7 Pageshaven. Immediately after World War Two, the appeal for workers in Europe was desperate. 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Immigrants, migrants, a sylum seekers, and refugees are fleeing to Europe at unprecedented speed and abundance causing politicalRead More Struggle Between Hindu and Secular Nationalisms in India Essay examples4524 Words  | 19 Pagesexperience important for Americans concerned with these issues. India faces growing action of governing which invites the use of violence to achieve political objectives. In spite of Indias size and importance, it is hard for an American to gain an understanding of the issues and conflicts which have set the stage for the most recent revival of Hindu nationalism. The central feature of this new reform in Indian federal politics is the clash between Hindu and secular nationalists. The overview of thisRead MoreImpacts On Corporate Strategy For The St. Joe Company1536 Words  | 7 Pagesdemographic changes, consumer attitudes, and product demand (Albright, 2004). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An Experience of a life time Free Essays
â€Å"Get to bed, Dharam,†my mother shouted. The excitement, the adrenaline pumping in me, kept me awake all night. I was trying to imagine myself in India, wondering what it was going to be like: the people, the country, the weather, I couldn’t keep the energy inside of me; I just wanted to get there and see it for myself. We will write a custom essay sample on An Experience of a life time or any similar topic only for you Order Now The following morning, I gave my love and best wishes to my family and departed from Manchester International Airport. I then found myself on air India Flight heading to my destination Delhi. It was 5:00 am when we arrived in India. The smell hit me straight in the face, the heat firing at 36’Celsius came gushing at me; the people were rushing around like ants on a summer’s day! I was in the fourth dimension it was nothing like I had imagined. The hooters and revving engine of the cars that cluttered the busy streets merged in a great cacophony of sound. There were people begging for money, there were people making food on stoves on streets having lived in England it was a sight I was not familiar with. Music came from all directions not just of songs it was the engines of cars and there hooters. I was amazed how different it was compared to England; it was hot, sticky, and noisy and overpopulated. Although I was extremely tired, I was also excited because this was a different atmosphere from what I had seen before, it wasn’t just another holiday; it was my first time out of the country. At that time I didn’t really think about England, I was too concerned about what my dad’s family were going to think about me because this was the first time I had seen them in my life. Then questions started to come into my mind like will they like me? Will I like them? What do they look like? Would I fit in with them? As I got out of the airport I heard someone shout my dads name I didn’t have a clue who it was but I realized it was someone from my dad’s family I didn’t ask who it was because I was too concerned about what was going on, but one thing I noticed straight away was that the people and animals were walking on the roads without a care in the world. My first reaction was, â€Å"God, where have you bought me†? That was the first time I missed home but as my journey progressed I was then fascinated with the way the country was. As the week ended I had settled in and got used to the environment. In one hot week I visited most of New Delhi and all the temples in New Delhi, but as the week ended my heart started to pound just as it was when I arrived at the airport. I knew the time had come to visit my other relatives. As I sat on the train staring out of the window, the sun was hitting me straight in my face. I started to think what I going to say to them. As the train stopped at Kurukshetra, we caught a taxi to my aunt’s house. I took a deep breath and went in. There were my cousins sitting down watching cricket; they got up and greeted me. I felt like I had met them before, I got a warm feeling from them. My cousins introduced me to all their friends and showed me one of the biggest zoos in India where you could a touch baby lion. At first I didn’t touch it because I thought to myself that it was a lion. But my cousin finally persuaded me too. My two days in Kurukahetra went so fast but I knew that I would return. My next stop was at Patiala in the northwest in the state of Punjab, to see my dad’s grandmother. This time I wasn’t as nervous as I was before. As I came off the bus I felt different. I was used to the road and cars everywhere. Patiala was different from Delhi and Kurukshetra, it was cleaner and there were no animals running around there was also no pollution. I stayed in Patiala for a week because I found it clean compared to the other cities. I visited my Dad old school and saw where he had worked. As he was showing me I could see that he felt very emotional leaving his home country. After a week in Patiala, I headed back for Delhi to visit my mum’s parents who were visiting from England I couldn’t wait to see them because I new they could speak the same language as me. Two days later we went to Agra to see the TajMahal; I was so amazed to see how magnificent the marble brickwork was and by the stunning architecture. There were people visiting from all over the world. As we went inside the TajMahal, it was dark the guide with a torch came over and told the story behind the TajMahal. He told us that Shah Jahan made this for his beautiful wife as a memorial; Shah Jahan chopped the hands off his workers after the building was completed so that they couldn’t make another building like the TajMahal. I was beginning to realize why Shah was so obsessed with the TajMahal and why he didn’t want it duplicated. As I went to my hotel I then thought to myself, â€Å"Now I can understand why so many people visit the TajMahal†Before, I’d thought it was just another building. I was now my third week in India time had passed by very quickly. As I was looking out of the window I was thinking about England, thinking, â€Å"What are they doing back at home? †I was missing my bed and fish and chips also the toilets, the Indian toilets were just like a whole in the ground. In that week I didn’t want to stay in India, I was home sick, I was fed up looking at people with no legs or no arms and families with children who were only five or four years old asking for money, the poverty was too great, I just wanted to go home. As the week ended my dad and I decided to go back to Kurukshetra where my cousins lived. I stayed there for two weeks and went to the golden temples in Amritsar. As we got to Amritsar it was dusty and had animals all over. As we walked in side the golden temples it was amazing and peaceful, you could not hear any of the noises from outside. I felt like I was in heaven I was amazed with the beauty I hadn’t seen anything better before in my life this also made be proud to be a Sikh. My dad woke me up at five o’clock in the morning to have a Shannon (which is a bath). It is said to purify you of your sins. We stayed there for two days and went to Patiala. As we got to Patiala it was holy this was a festival of colours happens once a year on March 3. As I was new, the town people decided to get me, to show how they play hoily. One man came from behind and threw a bucket full of colours. After 12 o’clock hoily was finished so I decided to have a bath. As I went in no water came I then started too appreciate that I was from a richer country, they told me the water comes on at five o’clock. As time went on the colours started to dry and crumble, it made me feel itchy and irritable. As the week ended there were two weeks left for me to go home. I knew time was coming up to go back. One part inside of my wanted to stay and the other didn’t. 48 hours! The clock was ticking. I looked at the calendar and my emotions ran I had the feeling that someone was taking pieces of my heart away. Will I ever come back? Will I ever see these people again? I felt depressed. I didn’t want to go home, well not yet. I enjoyed myself so much that I didn’t want to leave. I sat in the room where I slept and looked at all four walls of the room and said,†Dharam you’re going home to your family. †I checked again to see if I was missing anything. I then went out and spent the rest of the day with my friends also enjoyed the Indian food. I bought some gifts for my family and got ready for my journey to Delhi airport. I said my final farewells and realized the adventure was over and I was returning back to reality, back to England. When I got into the aeroplane, my tears ran down my face as I looked out of the window all I could manage was a wave. How to cite An Experience of a life time, Essays
Monday, May 4, 2020
Legal Environment Professional Cycling
Question: Discuss about theLegal Environment for Professional Cycling. Answer: Introduction The firm that has been used for this stock valuation task is Woolworths Limited which deals with organised retail business with the predominant format being that of supermarkets. The company enjoys a healthy share of around 40% and together with Coles form a virtual duopoly which in the recent years has been challenged to some extent by the entrance of German discount retailers like Aldi. The company besides being present in the grocery and liquor business also has major presence in fuel retailing (in association with Caltex), runs discount department stores, has presence in the home improvement segment besides hotels. The major market served by the company is Australia which accounts for more than 85% of the revenue generated. The company has presence in wide parts of Australia with estimated store strength of about 975 stores and is steadily increasing its presence and market share in the New Zealand market. The company also has limited presence in selective verticals in South Afri ca, Hong Kong, India and UK (Woolworths, 2016). The current market capitalisation of the firm is $ 30.77 billion. The given report aims to conduct a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the company taking into consideration the last five year financial statements so as to opine on whether investment should be made in the stock or not. Recent Stock Movement The stock price movement of Woolworths during the last one year is captured in the graph shown below (Yahoo Finance, 2016). It is apparent from the above that in the last one year, the stock has delivered negative returns and has underperformed the ASX 200 index. Further, it is also apparent that there is a range bound movement of the stock with support coming in at lower levels and resistance at the higher value of the stock as investors book profits (Geurard, 2013). Considering the competitive nature of the industry and the current macroeconomic conditions that are not ideal for the industry, such kinds of sideways movements are not unexpected. Further, even though the fundamentals of the company remain in place, it seems that the stock is poised to underperform the broader markets primarily on account of industry dynamics, lower fuel prices and lacklustre trading environment (Petty et, al., 2015). Quantitative Factors The impact of various quantitative factors include the trend analysis with regards to the major items in the financial statements namely the income statement and balance sheet along with analysis of selected ratios so as to comment on the financial performance of the firm. The concerned period of interest is from FY2012 FY2016 which constitutes a period of five years. Income Statement Items Revenue The revenue growth for the company has been impressive in FY2013 as compared to FY2012 on the back of improved trading environment coupled with rising consumer confidence and increased prices of fuel. After a uptrend from FY2012 to FY2014, there has been a negative growth or de-growth witnessed in the revenue in FY2015 and FY2016. The negative growth in these years may be attributed to namely two years i.e. increased competition especially with the entry of international German discount retailers which have increased their market share coupled with sharp decrease in the fuel prices which has adversely impacted the fuel sales. Further, in FY2015, there has been decrease in the number of Caltex outlets which have been added to the revenues and hence the revenue has been lower (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Gross Profit From FY2012 to FY2014, there is an increasing trend in the gross profit which has increased from $ 14.46 billion to $ 16.48 billion. The encouraging trend in this regard is the improvement of gross profit margins by 54 bps and 17 bps in FY2013 and FY2014 respectively. The improvement is primarily driven by expanding margins in the Australian food and liquor business coupled with Hotels. Besides, in FY2014, the gross profits were negatively impacted by the decreasing margins in the general merchandise business. However, during FY2015 and FY2016, there have been shrinking gross profit margins which are attributable to the lower prices of fuel coupled with higher competition in the food and liquor segment which is stalling price increases and thus in order to stem the falling market share, the margins have fallen (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Net Financing Costs With regards to financing costs, there has been an increase trend in this regard from FY2012 to FY2016 which has been briefly interrupted in FY2014 as there has been a slight decrease in the finance costs on the back of stellar performance in FY2013 on the basis of which there has been a reduction in the outstanding debt and hence leading to the decreased expense in the form of finance costs. Additionally, some part of the total interest costs in the various years is also capitalised which influences the overall financing costs (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Net Profit With regards to net profit, there has been an increasing trend from FY2012 to FY2014 but the same has been reversed in the subsequent years and infact in FY2016 the company has reported a loss. While the decrease in FY2015 net profit may be explained on account of lower gross profit margins coupled with increased operational costs, but the losses made in FY2016 can be explained on the basis of loss to the extent of $ 3.1 billion on account of discontinued business (Hydrox Holdings Pty Ltd). Further, there has been a steep rise in the administrative expense by about 21% on a y-o-y basis which has led to steep fall in the operating margins of the continued business operations (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Balance Sheet Items Cash From FY2012 to FY2015, there is an uptrend with relation to the cash balance which has come down only in FY2016. While during FY2012 to FY2014, there has not been much change in cash balance, however the FY2015 cash balance is significantly greater than FY2014 corresponding figure which is caused due to lower cash flow on amount of investing due to a weak trading environment persisting in Australia. However, the lower cash balance in FY2016 is primarily attributed to the lower cash flow from operations which have led to decrease in the overall cash balance (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Intangible Assets With regards to intangible assets, there has been an increasing trend from FY2012 to FY2014 which has then reversed into a declining trend over the period FY2015 FY2016. While, the decline in FY2015 is only marginal and caused due to discontinued business, the decline in FY2016 is comparatively more significant and prompted by the decline in goodwill to the tune of $350.9 million and this decrease has been witnessed in relation to the continued operations only(Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Trade and Other Payables There is an increasing trend in the trade and other payables which is witnessed during the given period i.e. FY2012 FY2016. This is apparent from the fact that trade and other payables have increased from $ 5.24 billion as on June 30, 2012 to $ 6.26 billion as on June 30, 2016. It is apparent that the increase of trade payables reflects towards a greater credit period for the company which to an extent may be driven by the difficult conditions in the retail industry and hence the company would want to minimise the working capital requirements (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Non-Current Borrowings In relation to the non-current borrowings, there is a declining trend from FY2012 to FY2015 but has increased only in FY2016. The increase in FY2016 is primarily on account of increase in long term bank loan to the tune of $ 853.2 million. The decrease in the long term borrowings augers well for the company and ensure that the company has less leverage and therefore could raise more debt to withstand the competitive environment using deep financial pockets (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Shareholders Equity There is an increased equity trend from FY2012 to FY2015 primarily due to increase in issued capital and higher retained earnings on the basis of the profitable operations of the company. The issued capital has seen an incline in every year of the given period including FY2016. As a result of this, the issued share capital has increased from $ 4.37 billion at the end of FY2012 to $ 5.35 billion at the end of FY2016. This highlights that during the period under assessment incremental shares to the tune of $ 0.98 billion have been issued by the company. However, the major increase in equity is on account of increased retained earnings. The decline in equity as on June 30, 2016 could be explained on the basis of sizable reduction in the retained earnings due to loss of $ 3.1 billion incurred due to discontinued business as explained above (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). The selective ratios for the company for the given time period are computed as follows (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Particulars 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Return on total assets 8.42% 10.15% 10.13% 8.47% -5.25% Net profit margin 3.29% 3.85% 4.02% 3.64% -2.12% Inventory Turnover 11.0 10.2 9.5 8.8 9.4 Current ratio 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 Price earnings ratio 17.93 18.05 18.01 15.83 -21.38 Debt ratio 0.61 0.58 0.57 0.56 0.63 The explanation with regards to the above ratios is offered below. ROA or Return on Total Assets The ROA has jumped from 8.42% in FY2012 to 10.15% in FY2013 primarily on account of higher percentage increase in net profits as compared to the total asset increase. However, there was a marginal decline in ROA in FY2014 over the previous year as the profit increase was marginal and not able to match the percentage increase in total assets. But the real worry is the decline in FY2015 and FY2016. There is a drop in ROA in FY2015 due to the drop in profitability of business operations caused to falling margins of fuel retailing besides higher competition experienced in the food and liquor segment leading to negative growth in revenues. Besides, in FY2016, the company incurs a loss due to discontinued operations which leads to a negative ROA (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Net Profit Margin There has been a positive trend in the net profit margin during the period FY2012-FY2014 on the back of growing margins in the food and liquor segment coupled with hotels business. This is the result of various initiatives undertaken by the company to streamline the operations and cut down on the overheads costs so as to ensure that the company stays competitive in a market highly sensitive to prices. However, the net profit margins have taken a dip in FY2015 primarily on the back of lower gross profit margins as the competition level increased coupled with higher operational expenses. The decline in margins in FY2016 from continued businesses is on account almost 21% increase in the administrative costs over the corresponding values in FY2014. Further, the discontinued business loss to the tune of $ 3.1 billion has resulted in the PAT turning negative (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Inventory Turnover There is a declining trend in the inventory turnover from FY2012 to FY2015 which hints at higher cash cycle and is not in the best interest of the company or the shareholders. This may be attributed to the continuously rising inventory levels from $ 3.7 billion as on June 30, 2012 to $ 4.87 billion as on June 30, 2015. This may be reflective of the muted sales of the company which may not be in accordance with the expectations of the company. However, at the end of FY2016, there is a decline in the inventory level and hence an improvement in the inventory turnover (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Current Ratio The current ratio for the company has shown very slight variation as from FY2012 to FY2014, the current ratio remains almost constant at 0.9. This may be attributed to proportionate changes in both current assets and current liabilities. However, in FY2015, there is a decrease in the current ratio fuelled by the higher percentage increase in the current liabilities caused due to increased amount of current borrowing in FY2015 as compared to the previous year. In FY2016, even though there is a decrease in current borrowing by almost $ 1.1 billion, but to some extent this is balanced by increase in $ 0.8 billion on account of provisions, the net result of which is that the current ratio has not improved (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Price earnings ratio With regards to P/E ratio, there is a slight improvement from FY2012 to FY2013 which may be on account on better financial performance by the company. However, for FY2014, the P/E ratio remained almost static. Then, in FY2015, due to increased competition and falling margins especially on fuel retailing, the P/E ratio was adversely impacted particularly on concerns with regards to growth especially in the short term. The concern continued in FY2016 as earnings became negative on the back of loss to the tune of $ 3.1 billion arising from discontinued business (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Debt Ratio The debt ratio has shown a marginal declining trend from FY2012 to FY2015 but there has been a reversal in the trend in FY2016. The declining value of debt ratio was favourable for the company implying that the liability as a percentage of debt was on the decline. The increase of the debt ratio in FY2016 is primarily on account of the decrease in total assets brought about mainly in decrease of PPE from $ 10.06 billion as on June 30, 2015 to $ 8.26 billion as on June 30, 2016. This has been brought about due to the discontinued business (Woolworths, 2012; 2014; 2016). Industry Comparison and Recommendation Strengths of the company The ROA of the company for all the given years (on basis on continuing operations) is greater than the industry average of 1.88%. The current ratio of the company is marginally better than the industry average of 0.88 for FY2012 to FY2014. The net profit margin and debt ratio of the company is also superior to the level of the industry. Position of being market leader with a sizable market share. Weakness of the company The company needs to improve with regards to short term liquidity particularly considering the competitive landscape of the industry. The overall competitive nature of organised retail industry in Australia. The e-retailing segment of the company lacks strength. The macroeconomic conditions associated are not favourable at the present. From the above, it is apparent that the company in the long run would deliver returns as the business fundamentals remain sound. But in the near to medium term, the stock is expected to be range bound only as the margins made witness more pressure and thus have a downward bias. Clearly, it is best to avoid the retail industry stocks and instead look at companies in other industry segments which offer much better value and growth upside. Hence, taking above factors into consideration, it may be recommended that investment should not be done in the companys stock (Parrino Kidwell, 2011). Stock Valuation Exercise Dividend paid by Woolworths in FY2016 ($ per share) = $ 1.65717 Perpetual dividend growth rate (given) = 4% p.a. Expected return on Woolworths stock = 9% p.a. Hence, expected dividend in FY2017($ per share) = 1.6517*1.04 = $ 1.72345 Thus, by applying the Gordon Dividend Discount Model, we get (Northington, 2011) Fair price of the stock = 1.72345/(0.09-0.04) = $ 34.47 Thus, at current price, the stocks seem to be underpriced. However, it is imperative to note that market dynamics tend to function differently from theoretical prices and it may take a long time before this aberration is corrected as the markets may not be efficient (Kane Marcus, 2013). References Guerard, J 2013,Introduction to financial forecasting in investment analysis, 6th eds., Springer, New York Kane, BZ Marcus, AJ 2013, Essentials of Investment, 9th eds., McGraw-Hill International, Singapore Northington, S 2011, Finance, 6th eds., Ferguson, New York Parrino, R Kidwell, D 2011, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 3rd eds., Wiley Publications, London Petty, JW, Titman, S, Keown, AJ, Martin, P, Martin JD Burrow, M 2015, Financial Management: Principles and Applications, 6th eds., Pearson Australia, Sydney Woolworths 2012, Financial Report 2012, Woolworths Website, Available online from (Accessed on October 11, 2016) Woolworths 2014, Annual Report 2014, Woolworths Website, Available online from (Accessed on October 11, 2016) Woolworths 2016, Annual Report 2016, Woolworths Website, Available online from (Accessed on October 11, 2016) Yahoo Finance 2016, Woolworths Summary, Yahoo Finance Australia, Available online from (Accessed on October 11, 2016)
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Crucial Factors You Should Know about How to Make Your Writing Perfect Every Time
Crucial Factors You Should Know about How to Make Your Writing Perfect Every Time Perfection to me is, I walk away from a situation and say, I did everything I could do right there. There was nothing more that I could do. I was a hundred percent like the meter was at the top. There was nothing else I could have done. You know? Like, I worked as hard as I possibly could have. Thats perfection. I would like to have such perfection in essays’ Have you ever wondered what the word perfect means? It’s an adjective that defines something that is complete and whole. It’s something that lacks nothing. So, take a look at the simple things. Is the sunset perfect? What about your children playing in the yard and laughing like they are the happiest on the whole planet? Is a flower perfect? Is the ocean lacking anything? Of course, I hope that NO. All these things are perfect because they are complete and not lacking anything. The thing is when you try to create something, don’t think how to make it perfect, it’s already perfect by its nature. The things are what they are. That’s the beauty and perfection of them. The understanding of this will help you improve your work. Believe me. Question that Kills Perfect Works Sometimes I receive the question from writers to tell whether some piece of writing is GOOD or BAD. Hmm, that’ the tough one. And you know why? Because I will never be able to answer this question. It’s a wrong question. Who am I to decide what is good or bad. This question killed thousands of worth-reading papers. Don’t you ever think that maybe your writing is not enough to be perfect? If youve discovered something inside you that made you write even those first few sentences, finish the whole writing. It is supposed to be. Try to be true to it. It’s an art. If you want to know whether it’s good. Just answer these questions. Is it lacking anything? Is it complete? Yes? Then it’s perfect. Be confident, be true, make your art perfect, no matter what they say. Chase the power that will lead you to the beautiful notion of perfection.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Product Liability essays
Product Liability essays Every day American consumers purchase products that they feel are beneficial to there development. Where that lies depends on the consumer. However, One underling variable is a constant when it comes to purchasing the product. That variable is whether or not the product is right for them. When the consumer purchases a product, they are liable for whatever mishaps may occur and accidents that may happen. But producers are not completely free from the liability of their product to their consumers. This is where product liability legal issues come from, a segment of the law which has seen its fare share of turmoil and difficulties. Product liability is the producers requirement to warn the consumer of and any possible troubles associated with the product. This is usually done with a warning label attached to the product, or is found via flyer form in the instruction manual. Sports and recreational equipment cause serious injuries everyday. There are many reasons for the cause of injury, but most cases of injury are due to product defects. These defects are manufacturing, design, and failure to adequately warn. Besides the product defects, consumers are exposed to other forms of potential mishaps, which are negligence, breach of warranty, and strict tort legal responsibility. Because America is a society largely dependent upon the outside means in which to entertain themselves, many Americans are changing from the casual spectator to that of the exuberant participator. Therefore, the number of accidents associated with products has risen. Subsequently, so have the court cases and trials. Product liability comes into play when the product breaks, or doesnt perform up to regulation standards set forth by the producer. In more cases than not, there is some form of injury sustained due to product defect or claims. So in short, the definition of product liability is the responsibility of the manufacturer to the user ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Fashion and consumer science Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 2
Fashion and consumer science - Term Paper Example The essay "Fashion and consumer science" discovers the consumerism and fashion. The research question would be primarily based on the present consumer perception of the fashion counterfeit industry and the factors influencing their purchase decisions. The research objective would seek to present the benefits which the research would result in. The literature review would throw insight into the global trends in the sector and its implications on society. This is complemented by exploring the impacts of the business in the job market. The research would then conduct a hypothesis testing for the project. The research methodology chosen for the purpose would include both qualitative and quantitative methods. The several contributions that the dissertation would contribute to the literature would be presented as managerial and theoretical contributions or implications. Finally the major learning points from the research would be presented in the project. The project brings forth a compreh ensive view of the counterfeit fashion industry and the menace that it creates across the world. This is not a problem which is limited to few product and product categories, rather it has emerged a global phenomena affecting numerous industries. It can also have devastating effects on the society and its people. The report presents the menacing effects that this phenomenon has on society, the factors influencing the same and the means that may be adopted by the genuine fashion brands for protecting it. The clandestine nature of the activity makes it hard to obtain any accurate statistics on the same. However, copyright industries in USA have claimed that this sector remain subjected to huge losses. Counterfeit clothing and other items in the fashion world have predominantly prevalent in Europe. The most common technique of counterfeiting is by importing clothing and then attaching labels in one of the states which is followed by releasing the product for sales in some other state. The process gains from the goods freely moving across the borders. Most nations have demonstrated transactions in the sector and some of them have even evolved notorious in the field of production and exporting of fake products. Information provided by the European Union and United States have shown insight into the extent of such transactions and their impacts on society (Vithlani, 1997, p.4). Research Questions Since the project seeks to explore the factors influencing consumer’s behavior towards buying counterfeit fashion products, the research question has been developed based on the above idea. Even after having complete knowledge of the counterfeit fashion business, consumers are tempted towards buying the products. Moreover, such behavior of consumers also influences his preference for buying luxury brands. The project tries to explore both of the above aspects of consumer behavior. The research questions are as follows: Why consumers purchase the counterfeit fashion p roducts even after having knowledge of the same? When and how do counterfeits influence the genuine item consumers’ preference for luxury brands? Research Objectives This research would demonstrate that consumers’
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Management Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Management Research Methods - Essay Example Numerical data are exact and specific; therefore, their treatment is necessarily objective. On the other hand, qualitative data are descriptive and experiential, and therefore their treatment is subjective. There are necessary differences in the philosophies that govern quantitative and qualitative research methods. These philosophies define the world-view the method assumes when conducting research. The quantitative method is grounded in positivism, which asserts that the knowledge that is gathered through research can only be significant if it can be measured. It proceeds from the theory of Auguste Comte, the French philosopher, that the world is an external environment that can be seen externally and measured objectively. Opinions, impressions, and perceptions that cannot be measured are not significant in a positivist approach (Zawawi, 2007, p. 3). Qualitative theory, on the other hand, is based on the philosophy of phenomenology. This philosophy states that the world and its rea lity derive their meaning from people (Husserl, 1946 in Zawawi, 2007, p. 3). The experiences of people concerning certain phenomena provide their significance, thus their subjective understanding of the event or phenomenon is what comprises knowledge. This is why qualitative approach uses cases, descriptions and narratives to convey the knowledge gathered about an event. Comparing qualitative and quantitative approaches highlights certain important contrasts. One is that the quantitative method is deductive while the quantitative method is inductive. The deductive approach begins from established theory that relates to the topic being researched, and then goes on to seek evidence of its application in the real world. A hypothesis is tested based on the chosen theory, then situations are tested to see if they comply with the theory. On the other hand, the qualitative method makes use of the inductive approach, which begins with the focus of the research – the issue or problem, or the organization under study – and at the end of the research develops a theory that would explain the phenomena observed (Greener, 2008, p. 16). Furthermore, the quantitative approach is positivist while the qualitative is interpretivist. The positivist approach is characterized by the use of the scientific inquiry most closely associated with the natural sciences. The positivist approach emphasizes those observations that may be made with the senses, and promotes the process of experimentation, of statistically proving or disproving hypotheses, and to explain the discrepancies or deviations from the rule. Positivism emphasizes the objective or normative. On the other hand, quantitative techniques lean more towards interpretivism, which in turn is closest to the social sciences. This branch of the sciences attempts to interpret social phenomena in a way that explains consistently their causes and effects (Greener, 2008, p. 16 -17). There are many other differences betwee n the quantitative and qualitative approaches to research, but these are their most important contrasts. Section B With reference to Qualitative approaches describe the common methods used for data collection and analysis. (1000 words) According to Creswell (1998), qualitative research is defined as: †¦an inquiry process of understanding based on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a social or human problem. The researcher builds a complex, holistic picture, analyses words, reports
Monday, January 27, 2020
Partial Molar Properties And Their Application
Partial Molar Properties And Their Application Thermodynamics deals with energy changes and its relationship with work. It is based on three laws of thermodynamics which are used as axioms just as Newtons laws motion from the basis of classical mechanics. The first two laws are based on facts observed in every day life. The predictions based on these laws have been verified in most cases and so far no case has been reported where the laws break down. The laws can be stated in mathematical form. Hence, thermodynamics is an exact science. The thermodynamic theory can be developed without gaps in the argument using only moderate knowledge of mathematics. [B.]ABOUT PARTIAL MOLAR PROPERTY: Thermodynamic relations derived earlier are applicable to closed systems. In a system where not only the work and heat but also several kinds of matter are being exchanged, a multicomponent open system has to be considered. Here, the amounts of the various substances are treated as variables like any other thermodynamic variables. For example, the gibbs free energy of a system is a function not only of temperature and pressure , but also of the amount of each substance in the system,such that G=f(T,p,n1,n2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.nk) Where n1,n2,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.,nk represent the amounts of each of the K components in the system . for simplicity, let a system contain only two components. The total differential of G is dG=(?G/?T)P,n1,n2 dT+(?G/?p)T,n1,n2 dp+(?G/?n1)T,p,n2 dn+(?G/?n2)T,p,n1 dn2 In this eq., the partial derivatives (?G/?n1)T,P,n2 and (?G/?n2)T,P,n1 are known as partial molar free energies of components one and two , respectively. In genral, the partial derivative of a thermodynamic function Y with respect to the amount of component i of a mixture when T,p and amounts of other constituents are kept constant , is known as the partial molar property of the ith component and is represented as Yi,pm. Thus Yi,pm=(?Y/?ni)T,p,njs i=!j [C.]DEFINITION OF PARTIAL MOLAR PROPERTY: The partial molar property may be defined in either of the following two ways: 1. it is the change in Y when 1 mole of component i is added to a system which is so large that this addition has a negligible effect on the composition of the system. 2. Let dY be the change in value of Y when an infinitesimal amount dni of component i is added to a sysem of definite composition. By an infinitesimal amount dni we mean that its addition does not cause any appreciable change in the composition of the system. If we divide dY by dni , we get the partial molar property (?Y/?ni). thus, the partial molar property of the component i may be defined as the change in Y per mole of component i when an infinitesimal amount of this component is added to a system of definite composition. [D.]TYPES OF MOLAR PROPERTIES: (a.) Partial molar volume: The partial molar volume is broadly understood as the contribution that a component of a mixture makes to the overall volume of the solution. However, there is rather more to it than this: When one mole of water is added to a large volume of water at 25 °C, the volume increases by 18cm3. The molar volume of pure water would thus be reported as 18cm3 mol-1. However, addition of one mole of water to a large volume of pure ethanol results in an increase in volume of only 14cm3. The reason that the increase is different is that the volume occupied by a given number of water molecules depends upon the identity of the surrounding molecules. The value 14cm3 is said to be the partial molar volume of water in ethanol. In general, the partial molar volume of a substance X in a mixture is the change in volume per mole of X added to the mixture. The partial molar volumes of the components of a mixture vary with the composition of the mixture, because the environment of the molecules in the mixture changes with the composition. It is the changing molecular environment (and the consequent alteration of the interactions between molecules) that results in the thermodynamic properties of a mixture changing as its composition is altered. The partial molar volume, VJ, of any substance J at a general composition, is defined as: Fig: the partial molar volumes of water and ethanol at 25degree C where the subscript n indicates that the amount of all the other substances is held constant. The partial molar is the slope of the plot of the total volume as the amount of J is changed with all other variables held constant: Note that it is quite possible for the partial molar volume to be negative, as it would be at II in the above diagram. For example, the partial molar volume of magnesium sulphate in water is -1.4cm3 mol-1. i.e. addition of 1 mol MgSO4 to a large volume of water results in a decrease in volume of 1.4 cm3. (The contraction occurs because the salt breaks up the open structure of water as the ions become hydrated.) Once the partial molar volumes of the two components of a mixture at the composition and temperature of interest are known, the total volume of the mixture can be calculated from: The expression may be extended in an analogous fashion to mixtures with any number of components. The most common method of measuring partial molar volumes is to measure the dependence of the volume of a solution upon its composition. The observed volume can then be fitted to a function of the composition (usually using a computer), and the slope of this function can be determined at any composition of interest by differentiation. (b.) Partial molar gibbs energies: The concept of a partial molar quantity can be extended to any extensive state function. For a substance in a mixture, the chemical potential is a defined as the partial molar gibbs energy: i.e. the chemical potential is the slope of a plot of the Gibbs energy of the mixture against the amount of component J, with all other variables held constant: In the above plot, the partial molar Gibbs energy is greater at I than at II. The total Gibbs energy of a binary mixture is given by: The above expression may be generalised quite trivially to a mixture with an arbitrary number of components: where the sum is across all the different substances present in the mixture, and the chemical potentials are those at the composition of the mixture. This indicates that the chemical potential of a substance in a mixture is the contribution that substance makes to the total Gibbs energy of the mixture. In general, the Gibbs energy depends upon the composition, pressure and temperature. Thus G may change when any of these variables alter, so for a system that has components A, B, etc, it is possible to rewrite the equation dG = Vdp SdT (which is a general result that was derived here) as follows: which is called the fundamental equation of chemical thermodynamics. At constant temperature and pressure, the equation simplifies to: Under these conditions, dG = dwn,max (as was demonstrated here), where the n indicates that the work is non-expansion work. Therefore, at constant temperature and pressure: The idea that the changing composition of a system can do work should be familiar this is what happens in an electrochemical cell, where the two halves of the chemical reaction are separated in space (at the two electrodes) and the changing composition results in the motion of electrons through a circuit, which can be used to do electrical work. On a final note, it is possible to use the relationships between G and H, and G and U, to generate the following relations: Note particularly the conditions (the variables that must be held constant) under which each relation applies. Fig: the partial molar volumes of water and ethanol at 25degree C where the subscript n indicates that the amount of all the other substances is held constant. The partial molar is the slope of the plot of the total volume as the amount of J is changed with all other variables held constant: Note that it is quite possible for the partial molar volume to be negative, as it would be at II in the above diagram. For example, the partial molar volume of magnesium sulphate in water is -1.4cm3 mol-1. i.e. addition of 1 mol MgSO4 to a large volume of water results in a decrease in volume of 1.4 cm3. (The contraction occurs because the salt breaks up the open structure of water as the ions become hydrated.) Once the partial molar volumes of the two components of a mixture at the composition and temperature of interest are known, the total volume of the mixture can be calculated from: The expression may be extended in an analogous fashion to mixtures with any number of components. The most common method of measuring partial molar volumes is to measure the dependence of the volume of a solution upon its composition. The observed volume can then be fitted to a function of the composition (usually using a computer), and the slope of this function can be determined at any composition of interest by differentiation. (C.)PARTIAL MOLAR THERMAL PROPERTIES: 1. Partial molar heat capacities: the heat capacity at constant pressure Cp of a solution containing n1 moles of solvent and n2 moles of solute is given by Cp=(?H/?T)P,N à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦eq(1) The pressure and compostion being constant. Upon differentiation with respect to n1,maintaining n2 constant,it follows that CP1=(?CP/?n1)T,P,n2 =?H/?T?n1 .eq(2) Where Cp1 is the partial molar heat capacity,at constant pressure,of the constituent 1 of the given solution. The partial molar heat constant H1 of this constituent is defined by H1=(?H/?n1)T,P,n2 And hence differentiation with respect to temp. gives (?H1/?T)P,N=?H/?T?n1 =CP1 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.eq(3) The result being identical with CP1 by eq.(3). The partial molar heat capacity of the solvent is any particular solution thus be defined by either eq(1) and eq(2). Similarly,i.e.,constituent 2, Cp2=(?CP/?n2)T,P,n1 =(?H2/?T)P,N à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..eq(4) We know, Li=H1-H10 Is differentiated with respect to temp.,at constant pressure and composition,it follows that (?L1/?T)P,N=(?H1/?T)P,N-(?H10/?T)P,N = Cp1-Cp10 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦eq(5) Where Cp1,identical with Cp1 or Cp1o, is the molar heat capacity of the pure solvent or the partial molar heat capacity of the solvent in a solution at infinite dilution. Thus, Cp10 may be regarded as an experimental quantity, and if the variation of the relative partial molar heat content of the solvent with temperature,i.e. (?L1/?T)P,N, is known , it is possible to determine Cp1 at the corresponding composition of the solution. The necessary data are rarely available from direct thermal measurements of L1, such as thus described in 44f,at several temperatures, but the information can often be obtained, although not very accurately from E.M.F measurements. By differentiating the expression for the relative partial molar heat content of the solute it is found, in an exactly similar manner to that used above , that (?L2/?T)P,N=(?H2/?T)P,N-(?H02/?T)P,N =CP2-CP20 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦eq(6) In this expression,Cp20 is the partial molar heat capacity of the solute in the infinitely dilute solution. Although the experimentel significance of the quantity is not immediately obvious.thus from a knowledge of the variation of L2, the partial molar heat content of the solute with temprature it should be possible to derive, with the aid of equation(6) , the partial molar heat capacity of the solute Cp2 at the given composition. [E.]Determination of partial molar properties: 1.Direct method: in view of the definition of the partial molar properties Gi as Gi=(?G/?ni)T,P,n1,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.eq(1) An obvious method ffor its determination is to plot the value of the extensive properties G,at constant temperature and pressure, for various mixtures of the two components against the number of moles,e.g.,n2,of the one of them,the value of n1 being kept constant. The slope of the curve at any particular composition,which maybe determined by drawing a tengent to the curve, gives the value of G2 at that comoposition. Since the molality of a solution represents the number of moles of solute associated with a constant mass,and hence a constant number of moles,the plot of the property G against the molality can be used for the evaluation of the partial molar property of the solute. Once G2 at any composition has been determined, the corresponding value of G1 is readily derived by means of the relationship, G=n1G1+n2G2 In view of the difficulty of determining the exact slope of the curve at all points, it is preferable to use an analytical procedure instead of the graphical one just described. The property G is then expressed as a function of the number of moles of one component,e.g.,the molality, associated with a constant amount of the other component. Upon differentiation with respect to n,i.g.,the molality, an expression for the partial molar property is obtained. 2.from apparent molar properties: a method that is often more convenient and accuarate than that described above,makes use of the apparent molar property. We know G-n1G1=n2à ¶2 If n1 is maintained constant,so that n1G1 is constant, differentiation with respect to n2 , constant temp. and pressure being understood,gives G2 =(?G/?n2)n1 = (?à ¶G/?n2)n1 + à ¶G à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦eq(2) G2 = ((?à ¶G/? ln n2)n1+ à ¶G à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..eq(3) Since the molality m is equivalent to n2, with n1 constant, eq(2) and eq(3) may be written as G2= m (d à ¶G/dm)+ à ¶G à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦eq(4) G2=( d à ¶G/d ln m)+ à ¶G à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..eq(5) Respectively. If the apparent molar property à ¶G is determined for various values of n2 , with n1 constant , or at various molalities, the partial molar property G2 can be calculated from the slope, at any given composition, of the plot of à ¶G against n2 or against ln n2. The method based on the use of eqs(3)(5) is usally more accurate than that involving the logarithmic plot,since it does not give undue importance to result obtained in dilute solutions. An analytical method can, of course, be used in place of the graphical procedure if à ¶G can be expressed as a function of n2 or of the molality. For use in a later connection, an alternative form of eq(4) is required and it will be derived here. The right hand side of this equation is equivalent to d(m à ¶G)/dm, that is, m (d à ¶G/dm)= G2 and upon integration, m varying between the limits of zero and m, and mdà ¶G between zero and mà ¶G, it is found that mà ¶G=?0m G2 dm à ¶G=1/m?0m G2 dm for dilute solutions,the molality is proportional to the molar concentration c, and hence it is permissible to put this result in the form à ¶G=1/c?0m G2 dm [F.] APPLICATION OF PARTIAL MOLAR PROPERTIES: These properties are very useful since each and every reaction in chemistry occurs at a constant temperature and pressure and under these conditions we can determine these with the help of partial molar properties. They are highly useful when specific properties of pure substances and properties of mixing are considered. By definition, properties of mixing are related to those of the pure substance by: Here * denotes the pure substance M the mixing property z corresponds to the specific property From the definition of partial molar properties, substitution yields: Hence if we know the partial molar properties we can derive the properties of mixing.For the internal energy U, enthalpy H, Helmholtz free energy A, and Gibbs free energy G, the following hold: whereP is the pressure V is the volume T is temperature S is the entropy [G.] BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. THERMODYNAMICS AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM AUTHOR: K L KAPOOR 2. THERMODYNAMICS FOR CHEMISTS AUTHOR: SAMUEL GLASSTONE 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Health Care Reform Recommendations Essay
The topic of heath care reform is a highly debatable one. Many different organizations have diverse ideas on what is essential to ensure a successful healthcare system is developed in the United Sates. After reading recommendations to advance health care reform from the Mayo Clinic’s (2008), The Wall Street Journal’s Health Care CEO Council (2008), consisting of CEO’s from multiple different medical organizations, and America’s Health Insurance Plan (AHIP)(2007), the following is a list of three recommendations considered by all to be valid ideas for healthcare reform: 1. Access: Universal Health Insurance A. A comprehensive health care reform recommendation of providing universal access to affordable, guaranteed, quality insurance plans for those not covered by employer-based programs. This plan would require individuals to buy insurance, giving them choice, accessibility, control, and peace of mind. B. This reform would require adults to purchase private health insurance for themselves and their families. Employers could continue to participate by buying insurance for their employees or giving them stipends to purchase it. However, the individual would own the insurance. C. Appointing and independent agency to provide coordination, oversight and education for individuals choosing insurance options. 2. Quality: Reform the Payment System A. Change the reimbursement system to reward preventive care and evidence-based care, and extend government efforts to no longer reimburse inappropriate, unsafe or wasted care. Define and measure desirable outcomes for most common diseases. B. Payment to providers should be changed in order to improve health and minimize waste. Create payment systems that provide incentives for various providers to coordinate care, improve care, and support informed patient decision-making. Models of payment should be developed based on the success of chronic care coordination, care coordination teams, shared decision-making and episode-based payment. C. Change Medicare to a pay-for-value model. Redistribute Medicare payments to favor physicians who perform well, as opposed to the current system that rewards volume not value. Paying providers based on value can help produce desired results such as: great outcomes, safety, and service at an affordable cost over time. 3. Affordability: A. Poorly coordinated care also drives up costs when individuals seeing several health care practitioners receive the same diagnostic tests and procedures multiple times because one physician did not know that the other already had conducted them. Access to information that compares the effectiveness and cost of treatments: give providers, patients and purchasers access to a trusted source where they can find up-to-date and objective information on which health care services are most effective and provide the best value. B. Provide positive personal health habit incentives. Lifestyles characterized by smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise leading to obesity are key contributors to high health care costs in the United States. Childhood obesity significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood (CDC, 2006) and according to a study done by the Office of the US Surgeon General (2007), the complications from obesity: cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer are estimated to cost $92 billion (Finkelstein, 2003) in lost productivity per year whereas estimates suggest that the health consequences of smoking may lead to more than $75 billion per year in medical expenditures. C. Provide tax credits to individuals, families for the purchase of insurance, and to small business owners that provide medical coverage to employees. On January 24, 2007, while speaking about healthcare at Families USA, a healthcare advocacy group, then Senator Obama said â€Å" The time has come for universal health care in America [†¦ ] I am absolutely determined that by the end of the first term of the next president, we should have universal health care in this country. †(Wikipedia, n. d). Senator McCain however, proposed tax credits and open-market competition as opposed to government funding control (Wikipedia, n. d. ) In comparison, President Obama and Senator McCain, had similar plans in regards to cost and quality improvement. Both parties suggested the adoption of medical malpractice reforms, allowing drug re-importation, focusing on healthcare costs as a reflection of quality service, prevention and care of chronic conditions, and development/deployment of HIT. In addition to similarities in cost and quality improvement, both also believed that prevention is the key to creating a healthier population. Senator McCain focused more on individual responsibility in maintaining and healthy lifestyle whereas President Obama supported increased funding to community based preventive interventions. Overall, a comparison of both parties preliminarily health reform plans reflect multiple similarities in general ideas of needed reforms to the United Sate’s current healthcare system. Whether by adopting a universal healthcare system or implementing changes to the current system; extending coverage, lowering costs, and improving quality of care are all issues agreed upon by both parties as needing attention. References America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)(2007). Guaranteeing Access to Coverage for all Americans. Retrieved 26 January 2009, from http://www. ahipbelieves. com/media/AHIP%20Guarantee%20Access%20Plan. pdf Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2006). National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved 26 January 2009, from http://www. cdc. gov/nchs/data/hesate/preliminarydesths05_tables. pdf. Finkelstein E. , et al. (2003). National medical spending attributable to obesity: How much and who’s paying? Health Affairs. W3: 219-226. The Mayo Clinic Health Policy Center (2008). Building Upon the Cornerstones: Recommendations, action steps and strategies to advance health care reform. Retrieved 26 January 2009, from http://www. mayoclinic. org/healthpolicycenter/recommendations. html The Wall Street Journal (2008) CEO Council: Shaping The New Agenda, Health Care. Retrieved 24 January 2009, from http://blogs. wsj. com/ceo-council/2008/11/23/health-care/ U. S. Surgeon General (2007). Overweight and Obesity: Health Consequences. Retrieved 26 January 2009, from http://www. surgeongeneral. gov/topics/obesity/calltoaction/fact_consequences. htm. Wikipedia (n. d. ). HealthCare Reform in the United States. Retrieved 26 January 2009, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Health_care_reform_in_the_United_States#cite_note-152
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Symbolisms in Kate Chopin’s “The Storm”
Symbolisms in Kate Chopin's â€Å"The Storm†Kate Chopin's â€Å"The Storm†is a short story written in 1898 but was not published until 1969. The story explores an excess of turbulent emotions of the protagonists in the backdrop of unexpected storm. Chopin effectively confronts the brewing conflict of the story by her unflinching depiction of the story through symbolisms. The symbolisms most evident in â€Å"The Storm†includes: the storm itself, Assumption, a small town in which the protagonists first met and whiteness as mentioned many times in the story.Chopin opens the first part of the story by using the illustration of the threatening storm with Calixta's husband, Bobinot: â€Å"Bobinot, who was accustomed to converse on terms of perfect equality with his little son, called the child's attention to certain somber clouds that were rolling with sinister intention from the west, accompanied by a sullen, threatening roar†(123). The storm is one of the obvious themes of the story. It is involve in practically every element of the plot.The text above describes the impending change of weather that is about to come, foreshadowing the series of events that is about to unravel. Bobinot then, decides to wait at the general store with their son, Bibi until the storm evens out. This waiting out or avoidance from the storm suggests that he also avoids the storm of passion that his wife had expected of him. Bobinot's less passionate nature becomes more evident on how he is described later in the story: â€Å"Then he returned to his perch on the keg and sat stolidly holding the can of shirmps while the storm burst†(123).The text gives an insight on Bobinot's general behavior or nature as an individual describing him as stolid, meaning having or revealing little emotion or sensibility or it could also means not easily aroused or excited. After this, the readers are introduced to Calixta at their home who is at first â€Å"unaware of the storm coming†because she is occupied with sewing and doing other mundane chores (124). The story introduces the female protagonist as a dedicated homemaker sewing furiously and gathering her usband's Sunday clothes put out to dry before huge drops of rain wet them. This behavior potrayed by Calixta in beginning story implies that â€Å"her sexuality is repressed by the constraints of her marriage and society's view of women, represented in this passage by the housework†(121). Chopin efficiently compares the storm brewing in nature with the storm within Calixta as she encounters Alcee in her home alone: â€Å"As she stepped outside , Alcee Laballiere rode in at the gate.She had not seen him very often since her marriage, and never alone†(124). The text displays Calixta's surprise reaction upon seeing a past lover right through her door. Out of courtesy, she then let Alcee in her house more so, since the rain is starting to get stronger: â€Å"He expressed an intention to remain outside, but it was soon apparent that he might as well have been out in the open: the water beat in upon the boards in driving sheets, and he went inside, closing the door after him†(125).The text describes the growing intensity of the storm. It also foreshadows the growing storm of passion that is building up between Calixta and Alcee. Chopin's description of the intensity of the storm that is starting to build as the story progress is parallel to the tension raging between Calixta and Alcee: â€Å"The playing of the lightning was incessant. A bolt of lighning struck a tall chinaberry tree at the edge of the field†(124). The text describes the violent temperament of nature. This draws Calixta and Felix physically closer together.Calista, being scared of the raging storm is comforted by Alcee: â€Å"Alcee clasped her shoulders and looked into her face. The contact of her warm, palpitating body when he had unthinkingly drawn her into his arms, had aroused all the old-time infatuation and desire for her flesh†(125). The text explores the passion waging in Calixta's heart suffused with the raging of the storm outside. This also reminds her of the past flirtation they shared a couple of years ago in a place called Assumption. Storms as we know it is useful.Storms is also known for its destructive effects. And lastly storms usually occurs briefly. The storm of passion that takes over Calixta and Alcee is depicted in the story as something beautiful and significant: â€Å"When he touched her breasts they gave themselves up in quivering ecstacy, inviting his lips. Her mouth was a fountain of delight. And when he possessed her, they seemed to swoon together at the very botherland of life's mystery†(125). The text explores the beauty of abandon within the rage of their passion Calixta and Alcee discovered.The symbolism â€Å"The Storm†in the story is intended to reflect Calixta's sub-conscious sexual longin g as a result of her inadequate conjugal relationship with her husband. Just as the climatic storm takes in the characters in the story by surprise, the emotional storm of sexual fulfillment takes her by surprise. She realizes this arousal only after it passed and after the fact (121). Going back to the fact that they were both married to another people, the readers are prompted to question the morality aspects of what happened between Calixta and Alcee.However, such question is dismiss quickly by the story's plot. As quickly as the storm passes by the town where the characters are, so as passion that took over Calixta and Alcee: â€Å"The rain was over; and the sun was turning the glistening green world into a palace of gems. Calixta, on the gallery, watched Alcee ride away†(125). Although Calixta gives in to Alcee's advance, there is no suggestion by the author that the act was one of love making. The whole affair was not so much one of Calixta's love for Alcee, but one of her love for herself.Hence, from a technical point of view this is not a story of romance, but one of human nature. Though acclaimed now, this work was published after Chopin's death as she knew it was in direct oposition to societal norms of her times (433). After the spontaneous sexual encounter between Alcee and Calixta, the storm subsides. The sexual act was not to be forgotten and buried out of consciousness. Both of them have to put it in the context of their lives. While the reader would expect feelings of remorse and guilt from the two, they instead feel rejuvenated and relieved.Chopin captures the state of their minds using the following words: â€Å"So the storm passed and everyone was happy†(126). The tone of ending of the story suggests that everything works out for everyone's benefit. Calixta and Alcee's secret is officially safe, dissipating as the storm itself has. Another symbolism that is evident in the story is Assumption or the small town where Calixta an d Alcee met up and shared kisses five years ago: â€Å"Do you remember– in Assumption, Calixta?Oh, she remembered; for in Assumption he had kissed and kissed her; until his senses would well nigh fail, and to save her he would resort to a desperate flight†(124). The text describes the passion they once shared in Assumption although it does not lead to sex because Alcee would leave Calixta in heights of their passion so as to save her purity. The name Assumption has religious connotations that reminds us of virginity and chastity. In Christianity, it refers to a specific event: the Virgin Mary's ascent to heaven after she dies.Instead of having sex in a place associated with chastity, the place where Calixta and Alcee consumate their feelings for one another is Calixta's home. However, it is the memory of their time in Assumption: a place that reminds them of chastity, where they could not be together that sparks a more mature interlude between them. Another symbolism that Chopin examines in the story is the repeated mention of â€Å"whiteness†. While usually white symbolizes purity or chastity, the story twists it around to represent sexual desire and longing: †She was a revelation in that dim, mysterious chamber; as white as the couch she lay upon.Her firm elastic flesh that was knowing for the first time its birthright was like a creamy lily that the sun invites to contribute its breath and perfume to the undying life of teh world. The generous abandon of her passion, without guile or trickery, was like white flame which penetrated and found response in depths of his own sensuous nature that had never been reached†(124). While this whiteness in literature would traditionally refer to a body the male character could not access, this text transform the meaning of purity into desire and sexuality.The â€Å"flame†of Calixta's â€Å"passion†is â€Å"white†; her body in all its ecstasy is â€Å"like a cre amy lily. †In this story, the color white might almost be better understood as red-hot. It means giving in, not holding back. Works Cited Farca, Paula Anca. â€Å"Foucault Informs Kate Chopin's Short Fiction. †Academic Exchange Quarterly 11. 1 (2007): 120-24. Print. Manning, S. L. â€Å"Kate Chopin Reconsidered: Beyond the Bayou. †The Review of English Studies (1995): 433-442. Print. Kennedy, X. J. , and Dana Gioia. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. Print.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay on Consequences of Smoking - 908 Words
Smoking is harmful to your health in many different ways, but it is also bad for the people around you because it is more than just a bad habit, it is a terrible addiction. It is very difficult to stop after you have started, especially if it has been several years since the very first time you tried smoking. There is a numerous amount of reasons why smoking is terrible for you, your health, and others as well. You are slowly killing yourself by letting all different types of harmful chemicals into your system, but you are also harming others around you in the process. Stop smoking and save lives. To begin with, smoking is very hazardous to your health. Tobacco smoke contains many harmful chemicals in it. â€Å"Of the more than 7,000 chemicals†¦show more content†¦If you continue to smoke and do all of that harmful stuff to your body it can cause a premature death. You are killing yourself faster than your body is actually dying. All of this is happening to you and your body because you chose to start smoking and you chose not to quit. It takes pure willpower and determination to choose to stop smoking and to follow through with that decision. Secondly, you may not know it but when you smoke around other people you are causing them to breath in secondhand smoke and that can be just as harmful to their health as smoking is to yours. You could be causing them long term damages to their breathing but not only that, also just their health in general. â€Å"Exposure to secondhand smoke may increase the risk of heart disease by an estimates 25 to 30 percent.†(†Å"Harms of Smoking and Health Benefits of Quitting.†). Smoking around just ordinary people is bad enough but when you are smoking around a pregnant woman you are putting her unborn child at risk of being born with low birth weight and possibly having other problems post birth. Smoking while children are around and in your presences can put them at a higher risk than an average adult. Exposing a child to secondhand smoke can increase the risk of ear infections, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma. It can also worsen asthma if the person breathing in your secondhand smoke has asthma. Secondhand smoke can alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Consequences Of Public Smoking1347 Words  | 6 PagesThe Negative Consequences of Public Smoking Smoking is known to be one of the most dangerous medicine and can come with some seriously negative to one’s lungs. Research studies have shown that second- hand smoking can be equally as bad. According to the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report, â€Å"2.5 million adults who were nonsmokers died because they breathed secondhand smoke†(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). 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One of the most common risks that smokers pick up wouldRead MoreIs Government Ban on Tobacco Wrong? Essay1010 Words  | 5 Pagesdrinking and driving, use of dangerous weapons. We notice that these activities pose a risk to others who are not engaged in these activities. But there are activities that pose a danger to the participant who engage in them. For example, drinking, smoking, rock climbing. Since all states follow freedom, the state cannot pass laws that forbid consenting adults from participating in such activities just because they cause harm to them. A person engaging in an activity with full knowledge of the risksRead MoreA Research Study On Anti Smoking Campaign1494 Words  | 6 PagesINTRODUCTION: Anti-smoking campaigns aim to induce attitude changes that will cause a behavioural change of not smoking, by employing techniques that target the central or peripheral route processing. The central route prompts reasoning and analysis of arguments, persuading the audience through the message’s content. The peripheral route uses visual cues to appeal to emotions. Each route stimulates differing depths of understanding about the consequences of smoking, and thus, varying levels of commitmentRead MoreEssay about Smoking Should be Banned in All Public Places1133 Words  | 5 PagesSmoking Should be Banned in All Public Places Every year thousands of people die because of having cancer or other tobacco related illnesses due to smoking. Smoking is seen everywhere from our own television screens to even the world wide web; the internet. Tobacco is the substance that is in these cigarettes. These tobacco products are promoted through tobacco ads that are found almost everywhere you turn. They are in magazines, television screens, on the internetRead MoreThe Harmful Effects Of Smoking And Smoking1380 Words  | 6 Pageslight a smoke. Some of the harmful effects of smoking include various potentially lethal diseases to the smoker and others exposed to secondhand smoke, the sinful addiction caused by a key ingredient in cigarettes, and social issues smoking causes for smokers and their loved ones. Smoking should be prohibited completely because of the harmful physical and social effects it has on smokers and the non-smokers they associate with. First of all, smoking creates a number of health problems for smokers
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